Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Three Best Photos of 2017

A picture taken with a slow shutter speed shows the Colima Volcano, the most active in Mexico, during an eruption on Jan. 26.

I chose this as one of my favorite photos from 2017 because I think it is a beautiful image of the Colima Volcano in Mexico. There is so many intense colors that catch your eye. The lightening at the top of the photo adds an interesting touch to the photo, it pulls everything together.

Image result for blood on pews of coptic church

This photo is important to me because i think it is sick that there would be murders inside of a church. Church is supposed to be a safe, sacred place and a death taking place in a church is one of the most unholy things I have heard of. People should be able to think of their church as a safe place and I am disgusted to hear that someone would do such a thing. It is sad.

I chose this photo because I think it is really funny. He knows there is a tornado right behind him but he still mows his lawn. Doesn't he think when the tornado gets to their house, his lawn will be ruined anyways?

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