Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Great Black and White Photographers 2

Paul Outerbridge
He was born on August 15, 1896 in New York.
He died on October 17, 1958 in California.
Paul went to school at Columbia University 
He was a fashion and commercial photographer, he experimented a lot in color photography.
In 1945, Paul married a fashion designer named Lois Weir. The two worked together at their joint fashion company called "Lois-Paul Originals" 
He died of Lung Cancer.
He has a few books about him: "Paul Outerbridge: A Single Aesthetic" and 
"Paul Outerbridge: Command Performance"

This is a photo from my favorite photographer, Paul Outerbridge. I like his photos because he can take the most boring ordinary objects and turn it into something interesting using photography.

While this photo is colored, this is my favorite photo of his. This picture makes me happy, which I think is funny seeing that a collection of the most random objects put together could make someone feel like that.

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