Monday, August 28, 2017

Great B&W Photographers

                                                            Ansel Adams
                                           Winter Sunrise, the Sierra Nevada,
                                                 from Lone Pine, California

I chose this photograph because it has beautiful detail and value. It is a very clear picture and it almost makes me feel like I am seeing this landscape in real life.

                                                       W. Eugene Smith
                                             The Walk to Paradise Garden
I chose this photograph because it reminds me of my childhood when my brother and I would go on adventures on our "magical trail",  which is what we called the trail we would                                walk through.


                                                        Gordon Parks
                                             Ingrid Bergman at Stromboli
I chose this photograph because it looks very mysterious and makes you wonder what is going on in this photo. The photo is also a very clear, beautiful photo.

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